Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Forgot to write that we got most of Jacob's books for college! We need to get one more. Again, how do the years go so fast?? But God is forever sooooo very good and rightly to be praised!!!!

Peach butter!

No, I did not make it, but my lovely friend Rose did! She is a dear neighbor and is very good to me! She made the delicious peach butter recently, and I am so blest that she shared a jar with us! It is delish!! I bought more peaches yesterday and plan to try my luck at peach butter. I hope it turns out well as dear friend Jo Ann Jones wants two jars of it. Jo Ann I will put special love into it just for you!! Rose has been canning all kinds of stuff and this morning she had already made a big batch of peanut butter fudge before 8 AM. And she is older than I am, (don't worry Rose I am not giving away your age :-)
Well, little Niki is off to a good start in first grade. How can the years go so fast?? He is a big boy now riding the school bus.
Well, it is getting late. I better be getting off here. Will try to update later on how the peach butter turns out. I have been freezing peaches and am freezing some of them in orange juice. My dear online girlfriend Karen Sue, told me about freezing peaches in orange juice. So, I am trying it and will be anxious to try them later :-) Thanks dear Karen Sue!!
God bless all of you and I would love to hear from you! Heading off to bed soon. All is well. Goodnight Moon.
God is sooooooo good!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Precious babies

Peace to you! Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am thinking tonight of the babies. The babies who are in danger of abortion. Please join me in prayer for the change of heart of all pro choice people. Please pray for a change of heart in those women who are considering abortion. Please pray that they are enlightened to the truth of the precious babies that they are carrying and that if circumstances prevent them from keeping their babies, that they choose adoption, not abortion. Please pray that our congressmen and congresswomen are overloaded with phone calls, letters, and emails asking them to please vote pro life on bills that pertain to human life issues. Please pray for the closing of abortions clinics. If you have an abortion clinic, (Planned Parenthood for one) please consider taking time to peacefully pray in front of the clinic making sure you are not directly on their property. You can hold a pro life sign while you pray if you wish.
God bless you for your efforts and prayers for our precious unborn. Oh and don't forget to pray for the poor women who have had abortions and suffering from them. Please pray for healing for them, and for them to turn to our merciful God. Please pray for the success of the crises pregnancy centers. Okay, lots of prayers. Anything you can do for the pro life cause will reap eternal benefits. THANK YOU!!
In the peace of Christ,

Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY

Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY
I love to go here!

Our baby doggies!

Our baby doggies!
Max and Peyton!