Saturday, September 5, 2009

Peyton Hayley!!

I think I forgot, (how could I forget little precious puppy) to say that we have a new precious little puppy. She is Elizabeth's puppy and we have had her I think a little over two weeks. It may be three though as time goes so fast. She is black and sooooo adorable. She is doing well with potty training. Max doesn't care for her yet. I hope he learns to like her. She is so cute and playful. She is half rat terrier and half chihuahua. I am glad Bethie has her! And she was free! She and Maxie went to the vet last week and got their shots. They got their heartworm pills today.
A few others things while I am on here. Jess is staying really busy with her full

time job at Turning Point. She helps so many others. She is teaching at IUPUC one class a week and also taking a class to work towards her doctoral degree. Hey Jess, Christmas is just around the corner! Are you going to have all of those beautiful blue lights on your tree this year, or are you going to have other colors? I know it will be beautiful no matter how you decorate it.
Gabe is staying very busy being dad. Friend Kelli is a big help with the kids too! Gabe has quit smoking quite some time ago and I am sooooo very thankful!!
Tuesday is our Blessed Mother Mary's birthday. I truly want to go to Cathy and Russ's house with other dear friends to celebrate her birthday. God willing.... Jake has two tests that day. Dearest Mother Mary, please help Jacob with his tests. Thank you!
I talked to dear Jane Bean earlier today and she is to pick me up Tues. morning to go to Russ and Cathy's. Jacob loves my peach butter! I am sooo glad!!
Ok, it is off to work on applesauce. So long for now. All is well.

Friday, September 4, 2009


WELLL....... I did get to make peach butter and it was fun doing it the old fashioned way! I made it in my big granite turkey roaster in the oven. It cooked down some and did not make a whole lot, but is a yummy recipe and I got to share some with JoAnn and Rose! I hope to do some pumpkin butter and I make it the same way, the old fashioned way. Of course years ago women would not have had modern stoves such as the one I have, but still...... I like making the butters in my oven!
Do any of you enjoy the Little House on the Prairie books? I know Rose does! I love them especially "The Long Winter"! I am wondering what our upcoming winter will be like. Anyone hoping for lots of snow? Anyone putting up for the winter, (canning, freezing)? I am trying to can what comes my way, and have put up several jars. Currently, I am working on applesauce. I was blest with some apples, and hope to get it canned tomorrow. I enjoy freezing foods too, but there is nothing like home canned foods that are so pretty in the jars, and no thawing necessary!
Jacob is off to a good start with school and I am so thankful!! Beth and I have started school. Trudging along. I say that because she does not enjoy school. I wish I could think of ways to make it funner for her to learn. I must put on my thinking cap and start praying about it. It saddens me that she does not like school :-(
This Tuesday is the kickoff for this year's pro life meetings for the teens. I am sooooo excited and hope Jacob and Bethie can go!!
Well, it is after midnight so I will close now.
May God bless you abundantly,

Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY

Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY
I love to go here!

Our baby doggies!

Our baby doggies!
Max and Peyton!