Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2, 2009

Oh my goodness, I am allowed time for another post!! YIPPEE!! Well, some of our tomato plants are in the ground. Three more to go. I see some little tiny plants coming up in my containers. Another YIPPEE!!
For anyone who may visit and not know us well, we are the Schoettmer family. My hubby is Mark. We have our adult son Gabriel living with us currently with his two little ones Nikolas and Madelyn. (Niki and Madi) Jacob is our almost 18 year old, (Yikes how did that happen! He was our 3 lb 5 oz preemie and now is over six feet tall.) Elizabeth lives here too, and she is our 14 year old. She is finishing up her eighth grade school year. Jessica, our 27 year old lives in Greensburg and is a social worker. Jonathon, (our good friend) is currently with us quite a bit, (sometimes with his Grandma who lives fairly closeby) and recently got a job at Walmart. We also have Max our mini Schnauzer. Oh I must mention we have a pet snapping turtle. (don't worry he is not too big yet and is fairly tame so far!) Today when Mark and I came home we were told that we have a new little pet fish for Niki out of the nearby pond. It is in a goldfish bowl. Not sure if it is a minnow or tiny bluegill.
We are a homeschooling family and Jacob is getting ready to graduate. Thank you Sherry for the awesome idea of making a scrapbook for graduation!! I have it started!! I look forward to one day when I can see the one you made for Jonathon. The baby of our family is in Heaven. She is Mary Teresa and we lost her in May of 2005. She passed away while I was still carrying her. We will always miss her, but know she is happy in her Heavenly home and we are thankful for her prayers for us. Thank you baby Mary for your prayers and love.
Ok, I need to run. Maybe next post will be shorter. I shall close with a quote from Saint Bonaventure.
"If I have everything but Christ, I have nothing. If I have nothing but Christ, I have everything." We have a dear friend Fr. Bob Robeson who always has this quote attached to his emails. Blessings everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, agian Kim! Nice post! You can click on your profile and put some family information!


Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY

Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY
I love to go here!

Our baby doggies!

Our baby doggies!
Max and Peyton!