Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Strand Theatre, Confirmation and odds and ends!

Last Saturday, the same day as the Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome, Mark, Bethie and I were blest to be able to go to an old neat theatre in Shelbyville, IN to watch Jessica in a poetry play. The name of the theatre is Strand Theatre. I love old theatres like this!! The actors and actresses read parts from poetry written about 1915. It was really neat and I enjoyed it thoroughly!! By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jessica today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lilly too!!
Last Wed. we got to go to the beautiful Cathedral in INDY, Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral for Bethie's confirmation practice. She will be confirmed there tomorrow night and I cannot wait!! I love the Cathedral!! Above is a picture although I don't think you can see it too well here. But we shall be taking more pics tomorrow night.
I got more walnuts today at beautiful Donner Park. I am enjoying the walnuts, with the exception of missing a nut tonight and hammering my thumb. Ouch! Yes, the nut shells are so hard, that it requires breaking them with a hammer. At least that is the only way I know to break them.
I shared some walnuts with Rose. She loves to get them too! She gave me some tomato plants that I am going to try to keep alive this winter in the house. I put Miracle Gro on them today. We shall see. They are looking droopy after transplanting them from her garden into a clay pot.
I am loving my big shelf with all of my canned goods on it as well as other things too! Daddy I know you are responsible for my terrific canning season this year as well as my "new" shelf to put it all on! You have quite the sense of humor Daddy! You always did love for me to can! So you are making sure I have lots to can this year as well as freeze. The freezing is going well too. Been freezing pumpkin bread lately!! THANK YOU JESUS for so many blessings!!!
Gotta run for now as my neck and head are bothering me. Too much computer this evening. Rita I love and miss you!! I am wondering if you have been making your carrot bread lately??
Sissy Linny, I hope you are doing well. I love you too!!
Goodnight Moon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom,
    Thanks for posting this! :-) I was in costume, so that is why I was wearing all of the black. It was a fun night and I am glad that you all could make it to watch me! Love, -Jess


Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY

Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY
I love to go here!

Our baby doggies!

Our baby doggies!
Max and Peyton!