Saturday, September 25, 2010

So Thankful!!

Tonight my heart feels full of gratitude.
God is so very good and forever to be praised!!!
Nothing serious was found wrong with Bethie. She was diagnosed with Functional Abdominal Pain at Riley. All of her tests came back normal. They told us that ten percent of teenage girls have this. The pain can be severe at times, but so far she is better since going to Riley. She is taking two new meds and has made some changes in diet.
Gabe is doing well with his treatments in Indy, Praise be to God!! Keep up the good work Gabriel!! I do love those precious babes Nik and Madi Gail!!
Jess is busy with wedding plans even though her wedding is a year away. She will be a beautiful bride!! We are so happy that Nick is so willing to get married in the Church. What a good guy!! Nick you are special to us!! I will always treasure the way you asked Daddy on his deathbed for permission to ask for Jess's hand in marriage. That means so much to me, and then to ask Mark's permission as well.
Jacob is quite the trooper balancing school and work, AND is the perfect Confirmation sponsor for Bethie. Keep up the good work Jake. I love to sneak up to the college library when you are in class.
Jon just walked in from taking a shower. Sure does smell good!! Jon is so sweet and does everything I ask him that he is able to do. Thanks a million Jon!!
I gets lots of calls about sweet sissy Karen, but thankfully none of them have been anything serious. I do love my two sisters!! I love my Mamma too. And Mom and Dad S. too!! And of course Jean Ann!!
I was blest with a wonderful BIG shelf this week for all of my canned goods, and it even holds my canners. Daddy, you have quite the sense of humor. Not only sending me lots to be canned this year, but a nice big shelf to store it all. I LOVE IT!! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU DADDY!!
Thanks my dear Mark for thinking of me with the shelf. I would rather have it as a new diamond ring!
I hope Louis, Chris, and Nathan are doing well in school. I just bet they are. :-)
I do love my doggies!! They are so much fun!! They can be annoying sometimes when they bark at company, (and Peyton shows her bad side to company), but they are well worth it!!
Dear Lord I thank you for so many blessings that you have bestowed upon me. I feel so thankful. Thank you for this nice cool weather. Thank you even for the walnuts that I found and collected today. Help me always to strive to be in the center of your divine will. Thank you for the gift of Holy Mass.
I love you so much Dear Lord.
In Jesus Holy Name I pray. AMEN

1 comment:

  1. Kim, you are so sweet and a blessing to all those around you! Love you all! So glad you came into our life!


Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY

Beautiful Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in INDY
I love to go here!

Our baby doggies!

Our baby doggies!
Max and Peyton!